

12 Creative Date Night Ideas

Spices on a cutting board photo

I am writing this blog in the wake of the Covid19 epidemic, but I think these ideas can ring true for any time you and your significant other need a date night and can’t go out. Right now, social distancing is big, so no going out to restaurants, no movie theater dates, etc. Finding creative ways to have date nights in can be a great way to connect now so you have it in your dating arsenal for later. Like when money is tight, or when kiddos come and it’s harder to get out of the house, these will be good to know.

Some of our favorite Date Night Ideas

  • Think about your favorite restaurant and try to recreate it at home, is it Mexican, or Italian. Grab those things from the grocery store and recreates that vibe you get from that restaurant at home.
  • Plan your next vacation. Make a bucket list of locations you want to travel together and work on researching one or two of those places. You can make a budget, find information about the culture or food of the country and places to visit while there.
  • Learn a new language. This one can go hand in hand with number 2. If you are planning that bucket list trip, learning a new language is something you can do to look forward to your trip.
  • Social media detox night. Turn your phone off or put it in another room so you can be present with your significant other. Not only will it improve your relationship but having a regular time where you unplug will improve the quality of your life overall. Being social is not bad, but your spouse should get more attention that your Instagram followers.
  • Boardgame Night and your favorite snacks.

Netflix and Chill

  • Plan a Netflix or movie marathon with pizza and popcorn. We love to re-watch the Bourne movies every year. So, pick your favorite show or a favorite movie and plan a chill night.
  • Dance off or Karaoke contest. Challenge each other to a dance or Karaoke contest and oh the funny moments you’ll share and remember. Or if you like a more serious note, you could take online dance classes. Sign up and take them in the comfort of your own home. And next time you go out you can wow your friends with all your new moves.
  • Plan a campout in your backyard. If you are a fan of the outdoors, then this is perfect for you. Pop up a tent, build a fire, grab your favorite camp mug and smores and sit around the fire and shoot the breeze and the night away.
  • Rearranging something in your house or making over a room in your home can be a great date night project. Order some take out and knock out a project that’s been on your to-do list.
  • Taste test night. Do you love beer or cheese? Find something you love and try some new things in that vein. Have a beer or wine tasting of drinks you might not have tried before. Or some new fancy cheeses. You never know you may find a new favorite!
  • Picnic dinner under the stars. Cook up something yummy and enjoy it in the back yard while you stargaze.
  • Take a stroll down memory lane. Grab out that shoebox of old photos, those picture albums, or hop on your laptop and look at old photos. As you look through reminisce old times together.

These are just a few ideas, but it’s easy to get creative especially when you have to, like now when you are not able to get out. We hope you try a few of these ideas. Find us on Instagram @mcsweenphotography and let us know how it went. Also, check out our blog post on 6 Ways You Are Wasting Your Social Distancing time.

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