

Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session | Amanda + Jake

Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple smiling at each other in front of iron gate Photo

Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session

Its been so pretty lately. With spurts of rain here and there but for the most part, this spring has been rather pleasant. Sunday meeting Amanda and Jake for their Hackney Warehouse Engagement session was so fun. We decided to move their session up because of the looming rain. I’m glad we did. The weather was perfect while we were there and the minute I got in my car to leave it started to rain. With all the crazy weather this spring I am glad it worked out.

These two are just the sweetest. We had a good time together traipsing around the Hackney in Murphy, NC. Amanda and Jake are getting married at the Hackney in October.

Amanda is a 3rd-grade teacher at Martins Creek and Jake works grading for solar farms. They met in high school. They got to know each other through Amanda’s sister who was in the same grade as Jake. When Jake proposed to Amanda they went to the top of a mountain with their dog, Pepper, and he asked her overlooking a view of the mountains. Of course, she said yes! They love to off-road on trails together, play with their dog and relax at home.

We are super excited for their wedding in October! Enjoy some of our favorite images from their engagement session!

Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple hugging in front of iron gate Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple nose to nose in front of iron gate Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple holding hands in front of iron gate and detail of engagement ring Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple nose to nose in front of iron gate Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Jake Kissing Amanda on the cheek and both smiling at camera Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Amanda laughing at Jake PhotoHackney Warehouse Engagement Session couple in front of brick wall smiling at each other PhotoHackney Warehouse Engagement Session Amanda smiling at camera PhotoHackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple in front of brick wall holding hands smiling at camera PhotoHackney Warehouse Engagement Session Detail of plant and couple sitting on knee wall PhotosHackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple snuggling on knee wall smiling Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple kissing and smiling on railroad tracks Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Black and White of couple hugging and smiling Photo  Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Jake kissing Amanda on cheek and engagement ring detail in succulents Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Jake Kissing Amanda on the cheek on railroad tracks Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session couple snuggling and Jake twirling on rail road tracks Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Black and white of couple hugging and smiling Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Jake Kissing Amanda on Cheek Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple holding hands and detail of succulent plant Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple smiling at each other PhotoHackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple snuggling nose to nose Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple smiling holding hands Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple standing in brick archway Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple snuggling and standing holding hands in archway Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple nose to nose Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple kissing in brick window arch Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Black and white of couple nose to nose and smiling at each other Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple smiling at camera in front of brick wall Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session couple smiling at each other in front of brick wall Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple walking toward camera and detail of ring Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple snuggling Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple Snuggling holding hands and detail of succulents Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple nose to nose smiling Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple snuggling and laughing Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple snuggling Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple kissing on wall Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Detail of pink roses and couple kissing Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Black and White Jake Kissing Amanda on cheek Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Detail of plant and couple Kissing Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Detail of engagement ring Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Detail of plant with white flowers and couple smiling on railroad tracks Photos Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Couple Snuggling nose to nose PhotoHackney Warehouse Engagement Session Detail of Ring in Succulent Photo Hackney Warehouse Engagement Session Detail of Succulents and couple hugging and smiling Photos

Planning a wedding at The Hackney Warehouse in Murphy, North Carolina? We’d love to chat with you about your wedding plans. Contact us today for more information!

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