

Asheville Photographer | Family Life In The Mountains

Asheville Photographers Family Three Kids in Field of tall yellow grass with mountains in the background Photo

Asheville Photographer | Mountain Family Life

This day started like any other, with my three little humans scurrying around the kitchen like vultures seeking sustenance. They rummage through the pantry until they find the perfect granola bar and join each other for a sibling plotting session at the breakfast table, where the giggles abound. My babies are not babies anymore! In fact, I did a happy dance a few months ago when I bravely announced, “there will be no more disposable underwear in this house, you must and will pee in the toilet.” And another little jig when I did not have to tote an obtrusive pack and play everywhere we traveled. The times they are a-changin’.

After breakfast, we get rolling on making beds, getting dressed, brushing teeth, all the irritating formalities that come with mornings. Then comes homeschool. If you asked me when I was a teenager or even a 20 something gal, I would have never imagined homeschooling my children. But I love it. There are challenges, like when the older two figure out just how to get under your skin. I can see the plotting in their brains when they look at each other and start giggling away. It’s like the queen who has been overthrown by a couple of little peasants, sheerly by their laughter alone. I nearly cannot get them back on track and somedays have to give up entirely and succumb to their desire for bare feet in the grass with friends. But on the days I hear my son read its a no brainer! I did that, taught him to read.

Throw In The Towel

There are days when I want to throw in the towel on this mothering gig. But that’s true for everything in life and just like every other thing, if it’s worth doing it’s probably not going to be easy. Take for instance yesterday when the seven-year-old man child decided to scare me for the billionth time. You’d think I’d have learned right? Nope still made me jump. In hindsight, yes that is funny, but at the moment it was so annoying. Or when the blonde bombshell whines about the food you make her for dinner. Or the angel baby that can do no wrong won’t stay in bed. So glamorous right? The thought enters, “what exactly did I sign up for here.” And then it fades with each little grin, each little “I love you, mama,” and little arms that squeeze so tight you might pass out. Or even your big boy that’s not too big to crawl in your lap and chat and snuggle. Those are the moments God gives you to reassure you, I can do this, with His help, I will make it.

I find myself like any other mama wishing time would slow down so they stay little longer. But I am also excited and hopeful for the people these goobers will become. To all of you moms out their raising toddlers, solidarity, my girl! Take heart it gets easier. Now I may bite my tongue when they become teens, but I feel like being a mom is becoming more and more enjoyable. I think mostly because they are becoming people who I want to know and spend time with, people I have a vested interest in and love so much. I get a front row seat watching them grow and change. Enjoy some of my favorite images of said hooligans below.

Asheville Photographers Family Little girl with hair blowing in the wind surrounded by white tree blooms photoAsheville Photographers Family Little girl laughing in tall grass and pursed lips PhotosAsheville Photographers Family Little Girl reaching for the camera smiling PhotoAsheville Photographers Family Black and white of little girl grinning at the camera and smiling big photosAsheville Photographer's Family blonde girl smiling at camera through trees PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little girl walking through tall grass with hair blowing in the wind PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Black and White of little girl looking down Photo Asheville Photographer's Family Boy and two girls holding hands walking through field of tall grass PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Handsome little boy in red shirt smiling at camera PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Black and White of little boy laughing PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little boy in red shirt looking off holding grass in hands PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family little boy and two little girls running toward the camera PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family little girl brushing hair out of her face grinning PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Black and White of little girl smiling at the camera and hair blowing in the wind PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little girl running through tall grass PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family little girl cheesing for camera PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Brother and two sisters smiling at camera and little boy smiling at camera PhotosAsheville Photographer's Family little girl smiling at camera PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Black and White of little girl looking down PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family little girl tucking hair behind ear PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family little girl profile smiling with hair blowing in the wind PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Black and White of brother and two sisters PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family little boy laughing with crinkled nose PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little boy sitting on side walk smiling off PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family profile of little boy laughing PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little girl looking at the camera in white tree blooms PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family brother with two sisters in tall grass PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little girl grinning at camera with hair blowing in wind PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Black and White of little boy playing in tall grass PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family little girl hair blowing in the wind PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family little girl with hair blowing in the wind PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little boy sitting in tall grass laughing PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Black and white of little girl looking down with pursed lips PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family blonde little girl with a big smile PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little boy in red shirt laughing PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little girl smiling in flower dress and brother with two sisters laughing PhotosAsheville Photographer's Family little girl with hair in face smiling PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little boy smiling at camera PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family little girl checking out her toes PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family kids walking away and little girl in flower dress looking down PhotosAsheville Photographer's Family little girl laughing in tall grass PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Black and White little girl looking down PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little girl in tall gras smiling with hair blowing in the wind PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family little girl looking down PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family black and white of little girl with wind blowing in the wind PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family little girl smiling at camera PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family black and white of little girl laughing with hair in face PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Little girl with hair in face smiling at camera PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Black and White of brother with little sisters in tall grass photoAsheville Photographer's Family little girl on sidewalk smiling big PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family brother with two sisters and little girl in tree smiling PhotosAsheville Photographer's Family little girl giggling on sidewalk in tall grass PhotoAsheville Photographer's Family Black and White of little girl in tree branches looking down with finger at lips concerned Photo

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